
When a Media house calls others wrong being wrong itself !

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Don’s we all look for sensational head lines ? Something worth jumping to read.
Well, that was a post by Outlook Magazine which sounded very dangerous even.

Outlook published an article “Beware: The Yamuna Express Pile-up video that went viral online today was shot last year”

Why is this headline dangerous ?

Can entire media be wrong all together ? Shall we keep our faith intact ?
Because almost every media house in country ran this story yesterday that this video is fresh, new.
And let me honestly confess, I tried like hell to prove all wrong too, spent hours digging entire internet.
Especially when it struck that I’ve seen something like this last year and many also told me the same.
And I did find few such videos i.e pile up on highway due to smog, but none were this. Different cars, tractors, buses, different positions but none were the same. Also this is the only video which caught two live accidents i.e an omini and a white swift, rest all were taken after it was all over

But then why Outlook published it ?
Because they stumbled upon same such news on Indian Express which they held as proof. Click here.

They read this news and there is a video under it which says “Watch what else is making news:
BUT this video is not related to the article, this actually runs current news like yesterday it also ran the win of Mary Kom.

No Let’s garnish the with 5 grams of common sense

All such videos gets viral on their shock value, infact this was viral on whatsapp and 100s uploaded on youtube withing hours. So if as Outlook claimed was shot last year, why is it not anywhere at all ?

When confronted by SMHoaxSlayer they deleted the tweet, facebook post and entire article from the website too.


You can see their deleted tweet by clicking here

I tried to contact through phone for explanation but no one picked up. So had to rely on Twitter to ask it.
This was not the first case, Media is messed up these days, using whatsapp etc as source.
Another big goof up recently was India’s photo take from space claimed as Diwali night debunked here

Hoax Slayer

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Hoax Slayer

SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at smhoaxslayer.com/team

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