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Did Rahul Gandhi invite Pakistani Terrorists to his event in London ?

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A video has recently being making rounds on WhatsApp and other social media platforms. Three men in turban are seen shouting slogans in a Congress event accompanied by Scotland Yard Police, while others look on.

This has been accompanied by a message in Hindi:

“कैसे सौंप दु मै काँग्रेस को अपना देश,आप ही बताओ…लंदन मे राहुल गांधी की सभा मे पहुचे पाकिस्तानी आतकंवादी…काँग्रेस पार्टी जिंदाबाद और हिंदुस्थान मुर्दाबाद नारे लगाये…👇👇 आपके पास जितने भी ग्रुप है सब मे भेजो”

(Translation: How can I vote for Congress to rule our country, have a look… Rahul Gandhi held a meeting in London which was attended by Pakistani terrorists, they chanted, “Hail Congress Party, Down with India.” Forward it to every group you have.)

In this video you can see three bearded people with black shirts and green turbans being taken away by policemen from Scotland Yard. The venue in the background is what appears to be a Congress event.

Gaurav Pradhan, a serial fake news poster has also tweeted the viral video.

This tweet has received around 3100 retweets.

It’s Viral on WhatsApp

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SMHoaxSlayer did a video keyframe reverse search and got to know that the message sent with the video was completely false. The protesters were shouting “Khalistan Zindabad,” and not “Pakistan Zindabad.”

They also shouted Congress Party Zindabad > Hindustan Murdabad > Rahul Gandhi Zindabad > and others.

“The Khalistan movement is a Sikh separatist movement, which seeks to create a separate country called Khalistān in the Punjab region to serve as a homeland for Sikhs.” Wikipedia

The Hindu, Business Line reported in Aug 2018

“Three pro-Khalistan supporters entered an event here where Congress president Rahul Gandhi was to address his last public meeting in the UK and tried to disrupt it but were escorted out by Scotland Yard before his arrival.”


According to FirstPost, Rahul Gandhi was about to deliver a speech at the Ramada hotel in London on the 25th of August, 2018 on occasion of the Indian Overseas Congress UK Mega Conference, when three Khalistani supporters gatecrashed and started chanting “Khalistan Zindabad, Hindustan Murdabad” (Translation: Hail Khalistan, Down with India) slogans while being taken away by the Scotland Yard police team.

The same video was viral last year too which was debunked by ABP Live in Aug 2018

“NEW DELHI: Congress President Rahul Gandhi was in the United Kingdom last week where he addressed several public meetings including the Indian diaspora in Ruislip in West London. Now after he has returned home, some social media posts have gone viral claiming that the Congress chief had invited pro-Khalistan supporters to his program there.

The posts, which also include a video clip, alleged that Khalistani activists during Gandhi’s event shouted anti-India slogans.

The 25-second clip purportedly showed a group of people, dressed in black and green turbans wrapped on their heads, raising ant-India slogans, with a poster with Gandhi’s photo and his name was put up on a nearby wall. It’s being alleged in the posts that these men are pro-Khalistan supporters, who were invited by Gandhi to attend his meeting.

“Pro-Khalistan supporters have attended an Indian Overseas Congress meeting. Rahul Gandhi should clear his stand on this anti-national and treacherous step against India,” one such message read.

However, the truth is that some pro-Khalistan supporters barged into the event in London where Congress president Rahul Gandhi was to address his public meeting and tried to disrupt it.

The incident took place on Saturday at the venue of the Indian Overseas Congress UK Mega Conference for the Indian diaspora in Ruislip in West London.

A group of three Khalistani activists managed to enter the event and started shouting ‘Khalistan Zindabad’. The hundreds gathered for the conference began a counter-chant of ‘Congress party Zindabad’ in reaction to the attempted disruption.

Soon, Scotland Yard officers escorted them out of the venue before the Gandhi had arrived for his final engagement at the end of a two-day visit to the UK.

Hence, the claim that Gandhi invited Khalistani supporters to his event stands false and fabricated. They did barge into the venue through a side-door as ‘unwelcomed-guests’ and chant anti-India slogans but were escorted out of the hall before Gandhi arrived.”

Gaurav Pradhan is a serial #FakeNews maker. He tweets false news etc frequently.

Many have been debunked by SMHoaxSlayer because of which he has blocked SMHoaxSlayer on Twitter also, so we can’t read his tweets.








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Shoubhik Ghosh

Aspiring Journalist irritated with the 'Good Morning', 'UNESCO Declares National Anthem...' and 'Acche Din' forwards on WhatsApp feed, and looks forward to debunk them.