Those were not the last moments of people died in Indonesia Plane crash in Sea.
A Viral video showing inside of a flying plane with people in panic and praying is claimed as ‘Last Moments’ of the recent unfortunate crash of a Plane JT 610, Lion Airlines, Indonesia. It crashed in Sea and till now, as the media reported, no one survived.
The video is shaking as might have been taken with a mobile by a passenger. The inside lights are also off, so quite dark in there. People are in panic mode, few praying, “Allah Hu Akbar” is also heard in the video.
A Verified Arab News house “RT Arabic” tweeted –
اللحظات الأخيرة داخل الطائرة الإندونيسية المنكوبة
Translation – Last moments inside the Indonesian plane
اللحظات الأخيرة داخل الطائرة الإندونيسية المنكوبة
— RT Arabic (@RTarabic) October 29, 2018
Kashmir News 24×7 FB Page
Truth –
The Plane in the video is not the one which crashed. It’s a different plane from same airlines Lion JT 353 which experienced severe turbulence because of which the passengers panicked and prayed. They all landed safely later.
Indonesian disaster agency spokesman ‘Sutopo Purwo Nugroho’ tweeted –
Video ini BUKAN penumpang pesawat Lion Air JT 610. Tetapi ini penumpang pesawat Lion Air JT 353 Padang-Jakarta yang turbulensi dan semua penumpang selamat beberapa waktu yang lalu. Tidak ada video/foto kondisi penumpang sebelum JT 610 jatuh. Jangan ikut menyebarkan hoax.
Translation by Google – This video is NOT a passenger of the Lion Air JT 610 aircraft. But this passenger of the Lion Air JT 353 Padang-Jakarta plane was turbulent and all the passengers survived some time ago. There are no videos / photos of passenger conditions before JT 610 falls. Don’t participate in spreading hoaxes.
He cleared that It’s JT 353 which experienced turbulence and all passengers are safe. It’s not JT 610 which crashed.He also asked all not to spread Fake News regarding this unfortunate incident.
Video ini BUKAN penumpang pesawat Lion Air JT 610. Tetapi ini penumpang pesawat Lion Air JT 353 Padang-Jakarta yang turbulensi dan semua penumpang selamat beberapa waktu yang lalu. Tidak ada video/foto kondisi penumpang sebelum JT 610 jatuh. Jangan ikut menyebarkan hoax.
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) October 29, 2018
He also called off another Wrongly quoted picture of a baby,only survivor of the crash which is false.
Banyak postingan foto di media sosial bahwa ada bayi penumpang pesawat JT-610 yang selamat. Foto bayi ini adalah bayi yang selamat dari tenggelamnya kapal KM Lestari Maju, di Perairan Selayar, pada Selasa 3/7/2018. Jadi info tersebut adalah Hoax. Jangan menyebarkan hoax.
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) October 30, 2018
He also called off another one. These are not the passengers of JT 610
Dua foto ini bukan penumpang pesawat JT 610. Jika anda menerima foto berikut dan mengatakan ini kondisi penumpang Lion Air sebelum jatuh. Itu semua bohong. Hoax. Foto ini kondisi penumpang pesawat Sriwijaya saat turbulensi beberapa waktu lalu. Semua penumpang dan pesawat selamat.
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) October 29, 2018
He asked all not to spread Fake News also
Keluarga besar BNPB dan BPBD se Indonesis, turut berduka cita atas terjadinya musibah kecelakaan transportasi pesawat @LionAirID JT-610. Mari kita bersama-sama tidak menyebarluaskan foto korban dan menyebarkan Hoax. Yuk, jadi netizen yang cerdas #prayforjt610 #prayforlionair
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) October 30, 2018
More False ones –
Man captures lsat moments on plane before crash #Indonesia
— Goran Shakhawan (@GoranShakhawan) October 30, 2018
Few moments before crash of Lion Air Boeing 737 Max8 of Indonesia
— I am a Leader on my own @ncbn (@yoursarjunr) October 31, 2018
Before crash of lion plan in Indonesia
— Rafi (@Rafique47983474) October 31, 2018
Last moments of #airplane crash #Indonesia May Allah grant them jannah and sabr for the families
— Rameen (@Rameen1919) October 29, 2018
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