
When media serve you lies for TRP ! Delivery at the age of 101 Years is shocking & fake.

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When Fake News started pouring in, people passionate for truth started debunking ’em, followed by Media comprehending it’s danger. But weirdly mainstream media also followed the same, Fake News for TRP, getting lazy, no fact checking anymore.
We, the people debunking fake news are in a fix, whom to believe in anymore ?
When people didn’t like the news, not in sync with their views, despite being true, they call them paid media or may be some really are, but how can they get along with pathetic mistakes.
About whom to believe. the largest body PTI News also goofed up twice last month. First with wrongly understating UP education budget which drew media and obviously other political parties to defame the one in power, and other one was a Photo of Ahmedabad Airport submerged in water which actually was Chennai Airport December, 2015

This News was debunked here exactly an year back.

Aajtak & Patrika claims this to be true with details picked up from a satire website World Daily News which posted quite humorous articles which people actually take seriously and make them viral. Last time it was a month back claiming a man is sentenced to death for farting in a mosque, which was debunked here again

On notifying by SMHoaxSlayer, Aajtak has deleted the article

These both paper based their story on this satire –


But they missed or intentionally ignored the disclaimer at the bottom of this article –

“World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.”

The Fake News by all of the above says Anatolia Vertadella, an Italian became a mother at the age of 101 Years while the truth is the photo is of Rosa Camfield of Gilbert, Arizona. In this photo she is holding her Great Grandson, the purpose of photo was the largest age gap, farthest generations.

“Four generations of the same family: Rosa Camfield was born in June of 1913 and died Monday. Since this picture appeared on the popular Facebook page Life of Dad, she received millions of likes and comments from around the world
” – Dailymail
“The photo was shared by Sarah Hamm of Gilbert, Arizona. She had brought her two-week-old daughter Kaylee Rowland to meet
her 101-year-old Grandma Rosa Camfield.

The photo inspired more than 120 readers to post their own multigenerational photos and new ones are being added every
day, said Quinn. But the real shocker for him, he says, was that many of the photos claim an even bigger age gap than
101. “Our highest gap in age was 112 years, which is pretty amazing,” he said.” – HuffingtonPost


Hoax Slayer

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Hoax Slayer

SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at smhoaxslayer.com/team

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