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Did a lady doctor die after being attacked by ‘Jihadis’?

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Photo of a lady patient is viral claiming she was a doctor and died after being attacked by “Islamic jihadis”.
Following text is viral – “आज डां वंदना तिवारी कि मृत्यु हो गई वह पिछले हफ्ते ही UP में कोरोना टेस्ट के लिए गई थी पर इस्लामिक जिहादीयों ने उन पर हमला कर गंभीर रूप से घायल कर दिया था आज उनकी मौत हो गई।”

Translation: “Today Dr. Vandana Tiwari died. She went for corona test last week in UP but Islamic Jihadis attacked her and hurt her badly because of which she died today” 


The viral message says that Dr. Vandana Tiwari had gone to a village in UP to check coronavirus patients. There, she was attacked by ‘Islamic jihadis’ which left her critically injured. She has succumbed to her death.

The post was viral on Twitter, seemingly first shared by the handle @cute_thakurain (the account has now been deleted). Before the deletion, the viral tweet was re-tweeted more than 2200 times.

The post was shared and re-tweeted by many other profiles:


It was also posted by Abhishek Dubey, whose bio says he is the “HEAD-IT & SOCIAL MEDIA” for BJP Delhi.


The message was also viral on Facebook, most prominently shared by one Sumer Chaudhary, who claims to be in-charge of Hindu Yuva Vahini in Surat.



Vandana Tiwari unfortunately died from stress based Brain Hemorrhage which she had on 31st March, few days before Stone pelting incident.

According to Bhopal Samachar, Vandana Tiwari was a pharmacist stationed at the Shivpuri Medical College in Shivpuri. Due to continuous overtime, she collapsed on 31st March and was referred to Jaya Arogya Hospital in Gwalior. Her husband claimed that she was left unattended there for 24 hours, after which he took her to a private hospital. She was diagnosed with brain hemorrhage due to excessive stress. Her operation began in Birla Hospital, but Vandana went into a coma. She died on Tuesday. SMHoaxSlayer confirmed the veracity of this news with Bhopal Samachar which was approached by husband of the lady.

On contacting, Dainik Bhaskar, Gwaliar sent us the Newspaper clip


UP Police too had to step in and clarify that the incident had nothing to do with UP following which the account was either deleted or deactivated.


Some claims on social media also tried to connect Vandana Tiwari with the Indore incident, where some locals pelted stones on female doctors who went there to check on possible patients. However, only two female doctors were injured in that incident, whose names were Dr. Trupti and Dr. Zakiya. Furthermore, the Indore incident occurred 2 days after Vandana Tiwari suffered from brain hemorrhage.



The Lady didn’t die of the alleged “Jihadi” attack but had a Brain Hemorrhage few days before the viral attack video.

Karan Singh
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Karan Singh

In the darkness of fakenews, truth is like a light that tears through. Journalist. Ex-engineer. Political observer. Cinephile. Highly opinionated. Lives by the motto "knowledge is power".