FakeHealthMedicalWrong Caption

The crying man is not a Doctor nor did the woman die.

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A set of photos is viral all over the globe claiming a doctor couldn’t bear the pain and cried on patient’s death i.e a mother’s death during delivery.

“बच्चे को जन्म देते ही माँ की मौत हो गई। डाक्टर भी इतनी वेदना ना सह पाया और वह भी फुट फुट कर रोने लगा। इशवर सब की माँ को जिँदा व ठीक रखे। Pic – सरकारी हॉस्पिटल, अलवर”

Translation: “Mother died on child’s birth. Doctor couldn’t bear the pain and cried loudly. May god keep everyone’s mother alive. Pic – Government Hospital, Alwar”

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More than 10000 Shares by a Page Doctor Kiki






“बच्चे को जन्म देते ही माँ की मौत हो गई। डाक्टर भी इतनी वेदना ना सह पाया और वह भी फुट फुट कर रोने लगा। इशवर सब की माँ को जिँदा व ठीक रखे। @DrDishaJasani Pic – सरकारी हॉस्पिटल, अलवर #Monday

2319 Rewteets –



All the images of mother and the new born had a watermark on top right corner but was not readable. We had to try lot many combinations of alphabets to find the right one and we did.

The New born was crying as almost all do on birth, the mother didn’t die also as viral messages claim.

Photographer – Merve Tiritoğlu Şengünler Photography, Ankara, Turkey

Posted on Facebook on 14th Dec 2015


The photos of the crying man also had a watermark on the top which led us to the original post.

On one of the false post a nurse gave a reason, she said although this looks like an operation room but a doctor never wear a watch and carry mobile in the room so this guy can’t be the doctor, Her reason came out to be true, the man in the photo actually is the father of the new born and not a doctor. He is crying out of happiness, seeing his child being born.

Özge Metin Doğum ve Anı Fotoğrafları, Turkey

The photo was uploaded on Instagram on September 5, 2017

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