
Did Gurmeet’s Supporters wave Pakistani Flag in Rohatk today ?

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Did Gurmeet’s Supporters wave Pakistani Flag in Rohatk ? Atleast FirstPost seems to say so.

FirstPost made a post with 4 photos out of which one is showing a protesting Mob with Pakistani Flags.


But This actually is a Photo from Karachi today, mob protesting against US

DailyMail says –

“KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) – Pakistani police have used tear gas and batons to disperse anti-U.S protesters in the southern port city of Karachi.

Police officer Irfan Baloch says police took action Sunday when a group of Shiite students tried to march toward the U.S. consulate and an officer was injured in the process.

U.S. President Donald Trump in a speech announcing a new strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia accused Pakistan of giving safe haven to extremists who kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Pakistan police officers use batons to disperse Shiite Muslims during an anti-U.S rally, when they tried to march toward the U.S. consulate, in Karachi, Pakistan, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017. (AP Photo/Fareed Khan)”

PS: Although the image used is wrong, but this seems to be a mistake, some mess up of two stories running together.

Hoax Slayer

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