
A farrago of Innocence and blood !

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A shocking photo is viral showing a beautifully dressed girl standing on a street full of bloodied water.
The photo is so disturbing that while people believe in photoshops, discarded this right away claiming this too be Photoshopped, but strangely it wasn’t.


This is genuine. When asked by many, the first look went to her wavy reflection in water which looked genuine, then searched for the name “Nasif Imtiaz” on the image after logo of Copyright with Year written 2017.

He claims to be a Photo Journalist with HuffPost in Bangladesh

He refuted the blame of photoshop with supporting images and videos.

A Professional Photographer, for one final photo takes a lot, choose and publish final one, which same is the case with him

His other photo from the same event also proves his claim to be genuine.

Hoax Slayer

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