
Title of an article has been edited digitally using foul language to malign journalists

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An image of a news article is viral with it’s title digitally edited, falsely malign journalism.  Although the first reaction would consider the title edited, but then many are forwarding, sharing this considering real, blaming the journalist who wrote the article.

The news article is about a probable third wave of COVID-19 stating that IIT experts have studied it and it would not be much smaller as compared to the first (last year), and second (last few months)

The title in the viral image is “राहत: कोरोना की तीसरी लहर %^ट बराबर आएगी”


It’s viral on whatsapp with text –“ये क्या भाषा हो गयी है पत्रकारों की”

Translation – “What kind of language the journalists are using now ?”


The following user thought this to be real thinking the journalist who wrote the article actually wrote this title too


A Facebook Page posts the edited image with a text पत्रकारिता के नए मानदंड तय करते हुए भारतीय मीडिया!

Translation – “Indian Media Setting New Standards for Journalism!”



The title/heading of the article in the viral image is edited.

Following is the real article with real title

The above article was printed in a Hindi daily Newspaper Live Hindustan, The article was written by journalist Mr. Madan Jaira.

SMHoaxSlayer contacted MR. Jaira and got hold of the actual article.

The article was printed on the front page of Live Hindustan on10th June in it’s Lucknow version.

You can read it here


Hoax Slayer

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