
The woman standing with Defence minister is not her daughter.

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A Photo of two ladies standing together is viral. On right is Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, on left is a lady in Army uniform. The photo is accompanied with a text claiming the Lady Army officer to be daughter of Defense Minister.


Official page of defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman posted the photo along with others without mentioning any relation.

“Smt #NirmalaSitharaman arrived in Hyulong earlier today, where she was greeted by village elders of the local Mishmi tribe of Hyulong who also conferred their blessings on her. She later celebrated Diwali with the soldiers, their families, and locals.”



Her daughter’s name is Parakala Vangmayi, whom Defense Minister declared as dependent on PM India official website


BoomLive has found the name of the lady in the photo standing with Nirmala Sitharaman

Who is the officer standing beside Sitharaman?

A reverse image search on the image directed us to some Instagram accounts from where we were able to establish that the officer standing next to Sitharaman is a woman named Nikita Veeraiah. Her Facebook account confirms that she works with the Indian Armed Forces. Also, Colonel Anand confirmed that the officer in the viral post is Veeraiah. BOOM also contacted Veeraiah who confirmed that the she was the woman standing beside Sitharaman in the viral photograph.

BOOM also found a YouTube video, where Sitharaman can be seen with her family, makes it clear that the officer seen in the Facebook post is not Vangmayi.  SourceBoomLive

You can also see the difference between her daughter and the lady officier

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