
Old Video of Modi shared with false claims related to his Nation-wide address yesterday.

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PM Narendra Modi addressed the country on 12th May regarding the ongoing corona pandemic. Few hours before the national address a video went viral on Facebook in which Prime Minister can be seen getting groomed and photographed claiming that it was preparation before he went live.


A video got viral on Facebook few hours before the PM’s country wide address. In the video a few people can be seen engaging in what seems like a photo shoot. This post went viral with the following claim that the video is from before the nation wide address of 12th May.

The videos were uploaded with almost same caption- आज रात आठ बजे की तैयारी। (Translation- Preparation for 8pm tonight)


The following video was uploaded on 12th May by a page ‘Hidden India’ and has garnered 15.6k views and 253 shares.


The following video was uploaded by ‘हेमन्त कुशवाहा’ (Hemant Kushvaha) on 12th May and garnered around 9.3k views and 465 shares.


The following claim is false as the video is four years old. This video was taken when PM Modi met Madame Tussauds artistes at his New Delhi residence in 2016. Madame Tussauds is a chain of museum with it’s biggest museum in London. They are famous for the life-like wax statues of famous personalities.

Months before the wax statue of PM Modi was installed at the museum, the group of artists visited him at his residence in New Delhi to take exact note of his facial features and physical attributes (eye color, skin complexion, etc) for the wax statue. The video of which was by on their Youtube channel- Madame Tussauds London

The following video was uploaded on March 16th, 2016 with the following caption- Narendra Modi’s sitting| Madame Tussauds London

This fake news was also busted by India Today.

The video thus has no relation to yesterday’s speech and is being shared with false captions.

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Avani Pai

See. Factcheck. Repeat