Last year’s image of a smiling baby born in Brazil is viral as birth during COVID-19 outbreak.
Claim: “कौन कहता है “#रोते_हुए_आते_हैं_सब” करोड़ो अरबो में कोई एक हंसती हुई भी आती है, कोरोना के बीच तस्वीर ब्राजील से”
Translation: “Who says, ‘everyone comes crying’, in thousands comes one smiling, in the middle of Coronavirus comes this image from Brazil.”
The image of a smiling baby is going viral claiming that the baby was born in Brazil, amid the COVID-19 situation in the country and around the world.
The picture has been shared widely over social media,
Soon, a lot of people started sharing it,
The picture was shared on Twitter as well,
करोड़ो अरबो में कोई एक हंसती हुई भी आती है.. या शायद ईश्वर ये खासियत बच्चीयो को जन्म से पहले दे देते है कि कैसे दर्द में भी मुस्कुराना है……❤️
कोरोना के बीच तस्वीर ब्राजील से 😍— Team SCB #* करुणा हिन्दुस्तानी* (@gudiyamishra04) May 2, 2020
It was shared widely over Twitter as well,
Upon doing a Google Reverse Image of the viral picture, it led to an article by The Sun.
The article is headlined, ‘BORN HAPPY: Newborn baby smiles at her dad immediately after labour after he spent months speaking to her in the womb”.
The article says that the newborn baby smiled at her dad immediately after labour. The article also talks about the father sang to the baby every day as she was in her mother’s womb. The article then talks about the family’s joy of parenthood and the joy of having a baby girl.
As we read more into the article, we noticed that the picture is taken from the father’s Instagram profile. We went to his Instagram profile, and scanned his profile and noticed the image.
The baby’s father Flavio Vilela, uploaded the picture on 13 August 2019.
He captioned the image, “Não sei explicar a sensação que eu senti nesse momento. Todos os dias eu conversava com minha filha na barriga da mãe, eu sempre falava pra ela que a amava, que papai tava ali e que iria ser o melhor pai do mundo!
Quando ela nasceu olha como foi que ela me retribuiu? Com esse sorriso mais que gostoso 😍 Um amor que não cabe dentro do peito!”
Translation: “I can’t explain the feeling I felt at that moment.
Every day I talked to my daughter in her mother’s womb, I always told her that I loved her, that Dad was there and that I was going to be the best father in the world!
When she was born, how did she repay me? With that smile 😍
A love that doesn’t fit inside the chest!”
The baby’s mother Tarsila Rosa, also uploaded the same image on her Instagram profile, on 13 August 2019,
Therefore, it is clear that the baby was born last year.
Even though the image is from Brazil, the viral claims that the baby was born in the Coronavirus chaos is completely false.