
How one can mint money from your patriotism !

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A message on WhatsApp from your friend/relative saying “I Support Indian Army” is one of the shortcuts to make money by the owner of the website.

We all are loaded with various emotions, faith, beliefs, patriotism is one of the emotions which is being used here to make money.

It just take Rs. 99 to book a domain and forward it to already owned hosting.

This is Viral on WhatsApp, The Name “Sonal Jain” here is just a representation.

Clicking on the link opens up the website

It says ”

Yes , I support Indian Army !

happy holi
They live far from their families because of them we can live peacefully with our family So it’s our moral duty that the respect our Army person For our safety they did not care of temperature, weather and any other natural circumstance

If you also respect Indian Army then write down your name below

All of us can’t join Indian Army but we can show respect for them so please write your name down share on WhatsApp with your all friends

Proud To be Indian”

You can see there is an advertisement banner on top by “We Work”

This is by Google AdSense, who pays the owner of the page based on the traffic of the webpage i.e. how many people open/visit the page, and with the name of army and our patriotism, people don’t open their eyes to see the reason/method for this and keep sharing.

So basically this website is not worth anything, it doesn’t send poll data or support data to the Army. The site just make money from your visit, that’s all.


In fact the home page has a page for Independence day and has subdirectory : /army/ for this


The home page shows this where also you can see the advertisement  –


it says ”

wishing you happy Independence Day

happy holi
“Remember the sacrifice of our freedom fighters that formed this country. Rejoice and celebrate this day with pride. Independence Day greetings sent specially for you and your entire family.”

“May our country always flourish and continue celebrating many better and prosperous years of Independence. When my country prospers I prosper too, for that reason, I will never stop praying for its freedom and prosperity. Wishing you a blessed and very Happy Independence Day.”

Proud To be Indian”
There are also WhatsApp marketing scams which apart from your visit, looks for your mobile number to sell it off to the TeleMarketers
Many have been debunked in last few years

Hoax Slayer

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SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at