
How emotions close our eyes and fools us.

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This photo is viral on Social Media, especially WhatsApp claiming a Lioness was carrying her cub and was tired so an elephant carried the cup on it’s trunk to help her
Viral Message –
“The best photograph declared yesterday (courtesy – Crooger Sighting)

The Photographer was following a lioness carrying her cub & she was getting really tired after long walk in hot summer. An elephant showed up wanting to help the lioness. The elephant put its trunk down, the cub jumped up & the elephant carried the lion cub!! Courtesy and helpful nature by trustworthy friend at its best..!!”



This was story was published by a verified account

Kruger Sightings @LatestKruger

A crowd sourced service that allows you to increase your wildlife sightings in the Kruger National Park.

They tweeted “We were following a lioness carrying her cub & she was getting really tired. An elephant showed up wanting to help the lioness. The elephant put its trunk down, the cub jumped up & the elephant carried the lion cub!!
S28, 3km from S entrance Tinged by Sloof Lirpa”

The first catch here is “Tinged by Sloof Lirpa
In case you haven’t noticed in the image already, Sloof Lirpa when read back spells “apriL foolS” and the tweet was posted on 1st April itself.

But since this uses a mix of emotions like nature, motherhood, a cute cub, an animal helping another, entire net was fooled together. This tweet had 118,716 Retweets at the time of writing this article.

Since this is viral on Social media/ WhatsApp without “Tinged by Sloof Lirpa” so people are taking it seriously and forwarding it.

The Photo is edited/photoshopped. It’s made up of three different pictures

Many verified handle fell for this prank –




Hoax Slayer

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SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at smhoaxslayer.com/team