
A fake screenshot of Zee News is viral claiming complete lockdown might start from 15th June.

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A digitally edited screenshot of @ZeeNews is viral on WhatsAp.

Viral Text: “15 जून के बाद फिर से हो सकता है संपूर्ण लॉकडाउन गृह मंत्रालय ने संकेत दिये है। ट्रेन और हवाई सफर पे लगेगा ब्रेक।”

It claims Home Ministry has hinted a complete lockdown from 15th June, also stopping Air and Train travel.






Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj (bio –Independent Journalist | Documentary Filmmaker ) tweeted the edited photo asking if it’s true, but have deleted.



Query on twitter

A portal has also tweeted the alleged news but not the fake screenshot. But the text is exactly the same.



The image is edited, there is no such news shown by Zee News yet.

There are few different news regarding 15th June and Lockdown, but not that it will start from 15th June –

Below image is a comparison of the viral image and Zee News Breaking News format.

1. Zee News colors are bright red color but the viral one is almost Maroon
2. The Maroon color takes up entire screens with text which is not the case with real ones.
3. The Hindi fonts are different, the viral one doesn’t match the real ones.
4. If there is a bottom strip, Zee News never hides it while in the viral one it can clearly bee seen different then the real.
5. While the left and right part of the real image matches with the viral one, in the viral one, rest of the part is added with Hindi text hiding the bar.

Following are the usual formats of Zee News, none of which matches with the viral one.


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