
Will Holi ruin your money ?

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Hoax: Colored Note due to Holi will become invalid.

Not, that won’t happen. So calm down. This is just another variant of years old Social Media Hoax.
Even RBI has officially debunked through a Press Release – https://m.rbi.org.in//scripts/BS_PressReleaseDisplay.aspx?prid=35717
Ok, this press release is an year old, Dec 2015. But then RBI never said anything like this that note will become invalid.
Although RBI requested people not to write on/soil the notes for better circulation and ATM handling. 
RBI Press Release –
The Reserve Bank of India has today denied having issued a communication circulating on social media alerting members of public that banks will not accept currency notes with scribbling on them from January 1, 2016.

The Reserve Bank has reiterated that all currency notes issued by it are legal tender and banks and members can freely and without fear accept them in exchange for goods and services.

The Reserve Bank has also stated that in pursuance of its clean note policy, it keeps requesting banks and members of public not to write on the currency notes as writing defaces them and reduces their life.

Hoax Slayer

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