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Did four children rob a couple in Ghatkopar, Mumbai ?

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A video of CCTV footage is viral which shows four young men robbing a couple.
The text along with the viral video –

“12-15 साल के 4 जिहादी लड़के आएंगे औऱ आपको घर के सामने से लूट कर चले जायेंगे,,,ऐसा होना शुरू हो गया है और हम मे से कुछ हिन्दू CAA का विरोध कर रहे हैं l स्थान – घाटकोपर मुंबई ।

Translation – 12-15 year old Jihadi boys will come and loot your in front of your home. This has started while few of Hindus among us are opposing CAA. Place – Ghatkopar, Mumbai

It’s viral on all social media platforms –





Neither is this video from Mumbai or even India, nor is this related to CAA

This video is from Karachi, Pakistan, last year

Dawn, A Pakistani leading News Media house tweeted this video last year, August 2019.

Google Translation of the tweet textHow do 4 young robbers rob a woman, man and woman while riding in a car on the day of 4 robberies in Karachi? Video surfaced #Karachi#Robbery#DawnNews#Pakistan



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