
Viral sign ridiculing Islam not a real billboard

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An image of a billboard with a communal message ridiculing Islam is going viral on social media. According to the posts, a huge sign on a busy road in Australia reads, “Interested in Time Travel? Covert to Islam to take you back 1400 years!” The post has been widely shared across several social media platforms.

In a since deleted tweet that has been widely liked and shared, the image of the billboard is posted along with a caption that reads, “Meanwhile somewhere in Australia”.









Upon performing a reverse image search on Google of the viral image, it was found that it has actually been made on a template website, called makesweet.com, containing several templates on which text and imagery can be added by anybody. This is the template for the billboard design:-

The boarding specimen- Link.

Several images were found on the internet with the same billboard, background and surroundings, but with different text and messages. Most of them are used as promotional images for websites. A collage of some of the images found on the net along with the viral image of the billboard has been added for reference. 

Thus, it has been proven that the viral image of a billboard with demeaning communal messages about Islam is not from Australia, as is being claimed but is actually made on an editing website online using a billboard template.  

Anjali Jain

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Anjali Jain

Just trying to make this world a better place, one issue at a time. Journalism Student. When not busting fake news, can be found hiking, exploring and trying to feel alive.