
No communal angle here. Rafiquddin, the victim was a local gangster.

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Last week a horrific cctv grab became viral which captured people dragging out someone in open and killing him by multiple stroke with swords and matchets.

 Many are spreading it as Hindu mob killing a muslim cow meat/beef seller which is false. Do report handle “@RabiaBaluch” to twitter.

The victim was Rafiquddin Shaikh, a local gangster with multiple cases against him and police claims it as a gangwar

1. Mob was hindu – False, no proof

2. Place Ahmedabad – False, Dhule, Maharastra

3. Victim was cow meat seller – False, he was local gangster, criminal.

One twitter handle in particular tweeted fake news and is getting many retweets, hope you all can report it to twitter to get it suspended.






Hoax Slayer

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