ReligionWrong Caption

The viral video of Dandiya being played in a mall is from UAE, not from Lucknow’s Lulu mall.

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A video of two women playing Dandyia (An Indian folk dance originated from Gujarat) with others from audience joining in later, in a shopping mall with people looking on is viral claimed as from Lulu Mall, Lucknow.

The viral message is comparing it to the recent events which led to a furore when few Muslim men offered prayers at an open place in the mall.


Kavish Aziz‘s (Journalist || Previously worked at Amarujalanew, dainikbhaskar) tweet has been retweeted by approx 1400 people, seen by 33K.
Along witht he video, she wrote –
“लखनऊ. लूलू मॉल में नवरात्रि के अवसर पर डांस हो रहा, भीड़ भी इकठ्ठा है, कुछ दिन पहले जब नमाज़ पढ़ी गयी थी तब न तो भीड़ इकट्ठा हुई थी न किसी को डिस्टर्ब किया गया था, फिर भी हिंदू संगठनों ने बवाल किया और नमाज को बैन कर दिया गया..”

Translation: “Lucknow. In Lulu Mall, during Navratri, crowd is witnessing the dance Few days ago when Namaz was read, neither was there any crowd, now was anyone disturbed still Hindu organizations raised a furore and banned Namaz.”







The viral video of Dandiya is from Lulu mall, UAE, not Lucknow.

Although the Dandiya festive mood was all over Lulu Malls, this viral video is from UAE.


In the viral video the directions and names are written in English and Arabic while in Lucknow Mall, it’s in English and Hindi only

Police Commissionaire of Lucknow has also cleared the same –

Although Lulu Mall, Lucknow Organized Dandiya too



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