
Spread the truth:

#Thanks #Tweeples Actually this hardly is a figure to make a post for 😉 but atleast these many people want to keep up with TRUTH and not fall for lies, fakes, rumors, photoshopped images and want to have something to slap the rumor mongers with. So, well, that’s an achievement too. https://www.facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer/photos/a.147357335599672.1073741828.140690692933003/306089843059753/?type=3

Hoax Slayer

Spread the truth:

Hoax Slayer

SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at smhoaxslayer.com/team

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