
Mumbai and Pune is not going under Military lockdown.

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Maharashtra is the state with the highest number of Covid-19 cases in India. Mumbai and Pune are one of the worst affected cities in the stated from the corona virus.

Claim: A post stating that Mumbai and Pune will be under military lockdown has been widely circulated. The rumor urged people to stock essentials since the cities are being handed over to the army due to the gruesome situation of corona cases in the state.



















The claim is false. Mumbai and Pune are not going to be under military lockdown. Chief Minister of Maharashtra addressed the state on 8th May 2020 giving updates on the corona cases and the state’s future strategy. In his speech, he debunked this claim of the army taking over the cities. He stated that he will be taking help from the Centre since many police men are falling sick but he requested people not to misunderstand the situation and think that army is being deployed. The transcription of the address has been tweeted by the Office of the Chief Minister Maharashtra. Attached below is the same that proves the viral claim is false.


Source: CMO Maharashtra’s Twitter Handle



Press Information Bureau, Maharashtra and Mumbai Police also tweeted stating that the claim being floated around is false. Attached below are their tweets.





Ashitha S. Prasad
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Ashitha S. Prasad

Wondering and questioning. Learning and unlearning. Aspiring to narrate stories to make a difference. Smiling through the entire process.