
Information on Lockdown 5.0 going viral and published by news publications, debunked by Spokesperson of Ministry of Home Affairs.

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Claim: Few more days and lockdown 4 will be over. A long text has been going viral on social media and published by various news publications that talks about lockdown 5.o. It states that lockdown 5.0 will be focused on 11 cities.

The long message reads as follow:

“11 शहरों पर फोकस, धार्मिक स्थलों-जिम में छूट….. ऐसा हो सकता है लॉकडाउन-5

कोरोना संकट के मद्देनजर लॉकडाउन के पांचवें चरण का खाका अभी ,से तैयार किया जा रहा है. सूत्रों के मुताबिक, लॉकडाउन 5.0 को लेकर प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जल्द ही मन की बात कर सकते हैं. लॉकडाउन के पांचवें चरण में कोरोना प्रभावित 11 शहरों को छोड़कर बाकी देश में छूट का दायरा बढ़ाया जा सकता है.

सूत्रों का कहना है कि लॉकडाउन का पांचवा चरण 11 शहरों पर केंद्रित होगा, जिसमें दिल्ली, मुंबई, बेंगलुरु, पुणे, ठाणे, इंदौर, चेन्नई, अहमदाबाद, जयपुर, सूरत और कोलकाता शामिल हैं. इन शहरों में 70 फीसदी से अधिक कोरोना केस हैं. केवल 5 शहरों (अहमदाबाद, दिल्ली, पुणे, कोलकाता, मुंबई) में तो आंकड़ा 60 फीसदी के पास है.

लॉकडाउन 5.0 के दौरान सभी जोन में सैलून और जिम को खोलने की इजाजत दी जा सकती है, सिर्फ कंटेनमेंट जोन छोड़कर. हालांकि, इस चरण में किसी स्कूल, कॉलेज-यूनिवर्सिटी को खोलने की इजाजत नहीं दी जा सकती है. साथ ही माल और मल्टीप्लैक्स को भी बंद रखा जा सकता है.

बताया जा रहा है कि लॉकडाउन 5.0 में शादी और अंतिम संस्कार में कुछ और लोगों को शामिल होने की छूट दी जा सकती है. सूत्रों का कहना है कि लॉकडाउन का पांचवा चरण दो हफ्ते के लिए लागू किया जा सकता है.”



“Focus on 11 cities, relaxation in religious places-gym ….. it could be lockdown-5

In view of the Corona crisis, the fifth phase of lockdown is being prepared right now. According to sources, Prime Minister Narendra Modi can soon speak of the mind regarding Lockdown 5.0. In the fifth phase of the lockdown, the scope of the exemption can be extended to the rest of the country except the 11 cities affected by Corona.

Sources say that the fifth phase of the lockdown will focus on 11 cities, which include Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune, Thane, Indore, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Surat and Kolkata. There are more than 70 percent corona cases in these cities. In only 5 cities (Ahmedabad, Delhi, Pune, Kolkata, Mumbai), the figure is close to 60 percent.

During lockdown 5.0 salons and gyms can be allowed to open in all zones, except for the container zone. However, no school, college-university can be allowed to be opened at this stage. Also goods and multiplexes can also be kept closed.

It is being told that some more people can be allowed to attend marriage and funeral in Lockdown 5.0. Sources say that the fifth phase of the lockdown can be implemented for two weeks.”




The text has been shared on Facebook by many users.










AajTak has tweeted a story published on their website that includes similar points as the viral text.  Many other users have also tweeted the viral claim.







Famous news publications like India Today and Daily Hunt also published articles including the same points as the viral text.








The viral claim has been debunked as false by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). The official twitter handle of the spokersperson of Ministry of Home Affairs attached the article published by India Today and stated that the quoted article seems to have inside details of Lockdown 5. The India Today article attributed information to sources from Ministry of Home Affairs. The tweet by the spokesperson added that all the claims are speculations and it is wrong to falsely attribute information to MHA. #FakeNewsAlert was added in the tweet.

Thus the viral claim are not true and are just claims that haven’t been established or confirmed by the government.


Source: Spokesperson, Ministry of Home Affairs’ Ofiicial Twitter Handle


Ashitha S. Prasad
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Ashitha S. Prasad

Wondering and questioning. Learning and unlearning. Aspiring to narrate stories to make a difference. Smiling through the entire process.