
Indian government did not issue any ‘rescue flight forms’ for Indians stranded abroad

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According to the reports, the government of India is planning to evacuate Indians stranded in abroad due to the coronavirus lockdown starting May 7th 2020. The Press Information Bureau’s (PIB) official handle also tweeted about the same.

Claim: After this announcement, a message started circulating on social media with claims that India has issued ‘rescue flight forms’ for the citizens stuck in different countries.

It read, “USA rescue flight Form::https://forms.gle/EcDvEcJ5S5er3RDZA
Canada rescue flight Form: https://forms.gle/hMqBWUBp8uzKYSGe7
Australia rescue flight Form: https://forms.gle/fw7Xds2XqRAkyuTj8
RESCUE FLIGHTS FROM USA TO INDIA : https://forms.gle/ms95wwh2GkcmzZ8s8
Please help us reach as many people as possible to help everyone reach back their homes ASAP 🙏”

However, all these forms are fake and not issued by the government of India.


A variant of this viral post is this WhatsApp forward being shared in Maharashtra and claims to coordinate with the Ministry of External Affairs. The link attached with the message asks for your personal information as well as VISA information.


The post was being shared on Twitter.

The tweet has been archived here.


It was shared by multiple accounts and pages on Facebook.

The post has been archived here.




According to the Central Government, India will begin its evacuation from May 7 to May 13 and will evacuate Indians from 12 countries. PIB even tweeted about the same on 5th May 2020.

Union Civil Aviation Minister, Hardeep Singh Puri further clarified about all the 64 @airindiain flights.


PIB further addressed the false claims of the forward posts and tweeted against it. They confirmed that the Indian government has not released and circulated any such forms. They also urged people to get information from the official websites of Indian embassies only.

Therefore, the viral message claimed by the post is false.

Rujuta Thete

Spread the truth:

Rujuta Thete

A food enthusiast who loves to explore new places and is also a budding journalist with a curious mind about everything under the sun.