
Fake screenshot claims Akhilesh Yadav promises to reconstruct Babri Masjid in Ayodhya.

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A fabricated screenshot has been taking rounds claiming that Samajwadi Party President – Akhilesh Yadav claims that he will reconstruct Babri Masjid at the place of Ram Mandir for their Muslim brothers if they win the UP elections next year.






As the screenshot was viral all across the internet including twitter and Facebook, we decided to run a fact check to determine the credibility of the post.

  1. Following which we went through Akhilesh Yadav’s official twitter handle and his official Facebook a/c.  We didn’t see a single tweet regarding Babri Masjid.
  2. In case he deleted, we couldn’t find it archived anywhere too. To confirm this we utilized archive.is tool to check whether any such post was ever tweeted and deleted by Akhilesh Yadav and that it has been archived by anyone. We received the following results which doesn’t have this viral alleged tweet –

This is the screenshot of the search we run to verify the tweet. So, the screenshot was viral this week i.e. it was forwarded mostly between 18 July 2021- 22 July 2021. and the above screenshot doesn’t show any such tweet between these dates.

3. Moreover there were no news reports published regarding this. If such a tweet would have been posted by Akhilesh Yadav, it would surely have been reported by the major news outlets. But there are none.

4. Secondly, in 2019 when the verdict was given over the Ayodhya dispute by the Supreme Court, Akhilesh Yadav responded in a positive way and welcomed the judgement.


Akhilesh Yadav takes to poetry reacting to Ayodhya verdict, terms it ‘step in right direction’- The New Indian Express


Ayodhya Verdict, Ayodhya Case: Akhilesh Yadav Reacts To Ayodhya Verdict With A Poem On Twitter (ndtv.com)

Akhilesh Yadav himself tweeted and appreciated the judgement by the Supreme Court.



5. Above all, the viral tweet is not perfectly aligned like the original one. You can see the name is not aligned with the text but in the screenshot from his timeline we took, it does.


6. This is not the first time that such a screenshot has been forwarded regarding Akhilesh Yadav and Babri Masjid. In July 2020, a similar kind of tweet was circulated under political agenda.

This was the tweet which was viral but it turned out to be fake and was debunked by several fact-checking outlets:

Akhilesh Yadav Viral Tweet on Ram Mandir Fact Check: Akhilesh Yadav Tweeted Against Ram Mandir? No, It’s Fake! (thequint.com)

Akhilesh Yadav Tweet Against Construction Of Ram Mandir Is Fake (boomlive.in)


These evidences prove that the screenshot is deliberately made to spread fake information and increase hatred.

Hence, the tweet is fake.







Spread the truth:

Surabhi Srivastava

Student of Journalism at Symbiosis institute of Media and Communication, Pune