
Astronaut found carved on a temple in Karnataka ? Did we know about it centuries ago?

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Astronaut found carved on a temple in Karnataka ? Did we know about it centuries ago ?

This photo has been floating around for years, with different caption, text.
Few Christians claimed it to be on church, Muslims on mosque, Hindus on temple.

Well, the photo is very genuine but it was actually carved in 1992 during renovation of a cathedral.
The cathedral is in Salamanca, Spain.

You can see few more interesting stuff there –
A Lion eating Ice Cream cone

Mobile phone


Wikipedia says

Restoration in 1992

Among the ornate carvings on the façade are those of a faun eating an ice cream and of an astronaut added during restoration work in 1992, when one of the artisans engaged in the project chose to carve strange figures into the stone.


A 2006 Portuguese article says

“O exemplo terrestre que me vem logo à cabeça é o astronauta catedral de Salamanca. Durante o restauro da Porta de Ramos da Catedral Nova de Salamanca realizado em 1992, foram integrados motivos contemporâneos e modernos, entre os quais uma figura esculpida de um astronauta. A inserção deste motivo deve-se à tradição dos antigos restauradores e construtores de catedrais que consistia em utilizar um motivo contemporâneo, dissimulado entre os motivos mais antigos, com o intuito de assinar as suas obras. O responsável pelo restauro, Jerónimo Garcia, escolheu um astronauta como símbolo do século XX. “

Translated in English

“The earthly example that comes to mind is the cathedral astronaut of Salamanca. During the restoration of the Porta de Ramos of the New Cathedral of Salamanca in 1992, contemporary and modern motifs were integrated, among them a carved figure of an astronaut. The insertion of this motif is due to the tradition of the old restorers and builders of cathedrals that consisted in using a contemporary motif, concealed among the oldest motives, with the intention of signing their works. The restorer, Jerónimo Garcia, chose an astronaut as a symbol of the 20th century.”


This was also in The Irish Times

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