
Spread the truth:

#QUERY: #Genuineness of a letter on PM’s ( #Modi ) #letterhead with his sign about donating amount to a boy needing Bone Marrow Transplant .
ACTION: We are living in a Photoshop era plus it’s my job to find source of truth. I tried but couldn’t find any single news anywhere which increased curiosity. But I did find fund raising campaign – on a site – Milaap.org doing great social work. So I contacted them through Twitter and Facebook. They took a day to confirm and did from the boy’s father Mr. Alpesh Shah and found it to be TRUE. YES the boy did get funds from PMO
SOURCE: http://ift.tt/1P0GOI4 http://ift.tt/1LdEdji

Hoax Slayer

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Hoax Slayer

SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at smhoaxslayer.com/team

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