GovernmentPatriotismWrong Caption

Nepal and Pakistan handles are using old photos of plane crash claiming Nepal shot down Indian jet.

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Two photos, a plane going down and another after the crash is viral claiming Nepal has shot down an Indian Air-force fighter Plane with two Indian pilots dead, as the planet was about to conduct airstrike on Nepal Territories.

A tweet by a twitter handle Irmak Idoya has been retweeted by more than 3.2K people including many Nepal and many from Pakistan







Both photos are old, from different places. No such news is reported also.

First photo of a burning plane falling down is 9 years old from Lybia, the second photo of a crash is last year’s from Bengaluru.

Photo 1

A Libyan Jet was shot down in Lybia over Benghazi city in March 2011, 9 years ago.


As rebels were celebrating the implementation of a no-fly zone over Libya witnesses say a plane has been shot down over the rebel-held city of Benghazi.

Update: A rebel spokesman was quoted as saying the downed jet was a rebel plane. The pilot was seen parachuting over the outskirts of Benghazi.

A reporter saw the plane go down in flames outside Benghazi early today, sending up a black cloud of smoke after the city came under attack. The sound of artillery and crackling gunfire was heard in the distance.
Source: Belfast Telegraph


In 2012, Worldbulletin posted this

DailyMail, UK published on the same day 20th March 2011, same jet, different photo


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Photo 2

A Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft crashed in Bengaluru last year

The Statesmen

Hoax Slayer

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