
Spread the truth:

#MannKiBaat Mitron.
This Telemarketing Scam has fooled entire nation on massive scale. It’s like one books a domain and very next day site get Lakhs of visits and their mobile numbers too, so it can be sold for SMS/Call advertisements.

The Key here is “Mera Kya Jata hai try karne me?”

I’m first in country to expose this, tried multiple times, but still, neither it has spread nor people understood it.
I’m planning to make a 2-3 minutes video with screenshots and my voice over explaining in Hindi (Most uneducated people fall for it).
Will try spoon feeding level.
People are afraid of truth so my posts doesn’t get much shares
Making a video needs a lot of time, so what do you think, will u guys be interested and download it and share in your personal WhatsApp groups, on FB etc ? Can you make it viral so everybody understands it ? Will You ? https://www.facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer/photos/a.147357335599672.1073741828.140690692933003/377374349264635/?type=3

Hoax Slayer

Spread the truth:

Hoax Slayer

SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at smhoaxslayer.com/team

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