
Why Vice President didn’t salute the flag on Republic Day ?

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Issue: Vice President Hamid Ansari did not salute the flag during National Anthem which Social Media since 2015 doubts his respect for the country

Truth: Nothing wrong here. A statement from the vice-president’s office clarified that there was no breach. “As per the protocol, when the national anthem is played, the principal dignitary and persons in uniform take the salute. Those in civil dress stand in attention.

The the point to ponder upon is why this Lie spread only from 26th Jan 2015 and never before ? Think over it.

– https://m.facebook.com/SanskritiCultureOfIndia/photos/a.207233416086650.53652.206783812798277/527775554032433/?type=3
– https://m.facebook.com/citizen4forces/photos/a.412798172130016.95710.123738334369336/763688510374312/?type=3


1. http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/vicepresident-does-not-salute-when-national-anthem-is-played/article6824585.ece
2. http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/flag-this-vice-president-ansari-didn-t-have-to-salute-tricolour/story-yM9vXkgNkQ45bhDTLFDIyL.html
3. http://www.firstpost.com/india/why-didnt-hamid-ansari-salute-the-flag-on-r-day-because-he-didnt-have-to-2066109.html https://www.facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer/photos/a.147357335599672.1073741828.140690692933003/414544302214306/?type=3

Hoax Slayer

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