
Has Modi ji been caught doing something unexpected in a closed room ? No.

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Well, we all know elections are near and so is the political war, but can it be fought on lies ? Should fake news be the weapon of choice ? Unfortunately it is.
Infact fake news has it’s own seasons like elections, communal tensions etc.

In this case a video is viral showing someone tying turban on Modi ji’s head. Oh, yes, the video is quite genuine but the captions, text going along with it is not.
The Viral tweets claims Modi Ji is trying to appease Muslims of Gujarat out of fear of loosing out on upcoming elections.

Examples of Fakes

Acharya Pramod
Acharya Pramod Krishnam is a well-known ‘spiritual guru’who has been arduously working to light up humanity in a society through spiritual and social activities

Jas Oberoi
| Analyst | Commentator | Blogger | Researcher | Panelist | Columnist |

Sanjay Singh from AAP
के साथ एक आम आदमी।

So how is it fake ?

1.  The video is from May 2016 when Gujarat elections were not due.
2. It’s from Ajmer Sharif which is in Rajasthan, not Gujrat
3. Above all, it was not a hidden close room job, Modi ji himself tweeted the photo and so was posted on Gov website too.

This clearly hows the frustration of fake news spreaders. Infact the obvious proof of their desperation and not a mistake is despite being cleared by many tweeples, Fake News debunkers like SMHoaxSlayer,  BoomLive etc, no one deleted or apologized for tweets.



Narendrea Modi Tweeted –

Official handle of Prime Minister –


Official Website of Prime Minister –

Thanks to BoomLive for slaying this fake news.

Hoax Slayer

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Hoax Slayer

SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at smhoaxslayer.com/team

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