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@Gupta_vijender Tweeted 4 #photos #irresponsibly or #intentionally of #Delhi #Rains as #current which actually r from different years but none is current. Seems he has used Time Machine invented along with Vimaan & Surgery days. LOL.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/Gupta_vijender/status/754322533273436160?s=09
1. Photo pf 2013 – http://m.indiatoday.in/story/heavy-rains-delhi-ncr-life-life-to-a-halt-traffic-jams/1/292297.html
2. Photo of 2015 – http://m.rediff.com/news/report/heavy-rains-leave-delhi-waterlogged-reeling-under-jams/20150711.htm
3. Photo of 2010 – http://blogs.hindustantimes.com/shoot-at-sight/2010/08/26/when-it-poured-in-delhi/
4. Photo of 2013 – http://m.thehindu.com/news/cities/Delhi/heavy-rain-brings-delhi-relief-and-misery/article4937587.ece https://www.facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer/photos/a.147357335599672.1073741828.140690692933003/314631838872220/?type=3

Hoax Slayer

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Hoax Slayer

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