
Spread the truth:

Forgot to add 6.325 Murders, 3.6 riots alleging @AamAadmiParty LOL

This website is quite popular with the people who are like minded, but better story was expected. A movie need to build up a character, just can’t dump it out of nowhere.

Point to be noted My Lord –

1. Given it’s other stories, this postcard.news comes out to be a right wing, biased website.
2. Timing of the news is just two days before election.

3. The proof in question –

Twitter Handle – @aap_lal
Created – January 2017
Tweets – 15
Following – 17
Followers – 269

– Handle: They claim “an AAP Social Media Person” and use this twitter handle as proof.

– Creation: This Twitter handle cerated just in January 2017, may be 31st Jan even. i.e just two days back.

– Tweets: Only 15 Tweets yet, that too tweeted today few hours back. All tweets with same agenda.

– Following: 17 handles, mostly from AAP. Yes, it’s in the hand of creater, whom to follow and for writing this story,so followed only AAP guys, the creator can not follow anyone else to maintain a credibility LOL

– Followers: 269 followers just within a day ? Now here lies the problem, genuine people can not follow a infant handle within this time frame and with such tweets. So check the 269 followers and you will understand the story, either fake or right wingers. People can be asked to follow, but the point is whom to ask ? So that was a homework beofre this story.

Doesn’t need Byomkesh Bakshy or Holmes to conclude that the suggested person in this case is one Ankit Lal, who again this article suggest is Social Media person of AAP with followers more than 1 lakh.

Now Common Sense puts us in a fix, if he is using his name “lal”, mentioned himself i.e his handle, why didn’t he used his original handle with 1 lakh followers? It surely would have made an impact, a message delivered loud and clear. Why hide behind a new handle ? Scrolling timeline of the original handle of ankit lal no where such issue was found, no hint even.

@aap_lal creator should have created few 100s twitter handles with AAP logo & name in their profiles , but then people may even dig that deep too, when were they created, who follows them, what did they tweet LOL.

The not-so-much Shocking News – http://postcard.news/exclusive-shocking-money-foreign-trips-call-girls-aam-aadmi-party-makes-revolution-social-media-campaigning/

So called revealation maker – https://twitter.com/aap_lal https://www.facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer/photos/a.147357335599672.1073741828.140690692933003/416144195387650/?type=3

Hoax Slayer

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Hoax Slayer

SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at smhoaxslayer.com/team

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