FakeGovernmentWrong Caption

Did the Kenyan Government use the Masaai tribe for implementing curfew?

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Claim: A video has been going viral on social media that shows a man dressed in a tribal attire and is cracking his whip at people who are roaming in public places. The social media claim states that the Kenyan government implemented harsh methods to restrict public during the Covid-19 lock down and appointed Maasai tribe to enforce curfew in the city because the police failed to do the same.

The video has been shared with the following captions, “The Kenyan government uses the Maasai tribe for the curfew decision after the police failed to implement it because people are not afraid of the police , (Massai tribe don’t consider a man as a brave one Without killing a lion with his stick ) so the government asked their leader to bring his men to the cities and implement the curfew, within 24 hrs, not a single ant was seen in the street.


The video has been shared extensively on Facebook. It has been shared more than 2000 times.








Many Indians are circulating it on Twitter as well.



Translation: This is such a stupid and traitorous traitor. 






The Kenyan government did not appoint Maasai tribe members to carry out the Covid 19 curfew in the city. The video was attached with a wrong caption and shared. The video has Mbuzi Seller written on top of it. When followed by a key word search, it was found that it is a Kenyan You Tube Account. The video was posted by this account on 2nd April 2020 and had tags such as “entertainment” and “comedy”. The video was created by this account as a prank and was clearly for entertainment purposes.

Boom Live has contacted the creator of Mbuzi Seller channel, Arisa Nelson. Arisa Nelson told them that the video was made for entertainment but has educational message for the society. Nelson also stated that it was his way to tell people to maintain social distance through the video.

The video was made as a prank and went on to be captioned wrongly to spread fake news.


Source :  You Tube

Ashitha S. Prasad
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Ashitha S. Prasad

Wondering and questioning. Learning and unlearning. Aspiring to narrate stories to make a difference. Smiling through the entire process.