GovernmentNatural DisasterPoliticsWrong Caption

A 4 year old photo of a family sitting in flooded street from Punjab is viral again claimed from Delhi.

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A photo is viral in which a family is sipping tea sitting on chairs on a street with their legs in knee deep dirty water, claimed to be from Delhi.

Ravinder Gupta
, General Secretary BJP Delhi & Former-Mayor, North Delhi tweeted the following text along with the photo –
“#दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री @ArvindKejriwal
जी का दिल से धन्यवाद जिन्होंने #किराड़ी विधानसभा को #लंदन बना दिया।
यह देखिए किस प्रकार एक पूरा परिवार #लंदन की गली में बैठकर ” गरमा गरम चाय” और बिस्कुट का आनंद ले रहे है 🤣
#केजरीवाल जी इससे अच्छे दिन मत दिखाना 🙏


Manjinder Singh Sirsa (President, Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management committee | National Spokesman,@Akali_Dal_| Humbled to be followed by@NarendraModiJi | Ex-MLA Delhi), tweeted
लंदन तो नहीं पर दिल्ली को वेनिस ज़रूर बना दिया है @ArvindKejriwal जी ने







Post by following facebook page with the name “Italian Bar Dancer” has been shared more than 1.1K times



The photo is from 2016, Mansa Punjab not Delhi.

Following post was posted on 17th July 2016, consisting of the photos from different angles of the same family




Punjab Kesari published this photo in 2016 as from Mansa, Punjab

This photo was viral blaming Delhi in 2016 also which SMHoaxSlayer debunked then too.


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