
Yet another WhatsApp scam, this time in the name of free t-shirt from Reliance Jio

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A message is viral on WhatsApp which lures you into giving your mobile number and permanent address. It’s falsely offering 1 lakh free Jio T-Shirts.

jio के 20 करोड़ ग्राहक पुरे होने की ख़ुशी में jio के निर्माता मुकेश अम्बानी जी ने इस नए साल के अबसर पर अपने 1 लाख ग्राहकों को फ्री टी-शर्ट उपहार में देने का बादा किया है तो अगर आपके पास भी जिओ की सीम है तो अभी निचे नीली रंग के लिंक पर क्लिक करके अपना फॉर्म भरे और फ्री टी-शर्ट प्राप्त करे |


🙏 क्रप्या ध्यान दे: 🙏 अगर आपके परिवार में किसी भी सदस्य के

पास jio की सिम है तो टी-शर्ट लेने के लिए आप उस सिम का भी प्रयोग कर सकते हो और फॉर्म भरने की अंतिम तिथि 10 जनवरी है

Translation: Mukesh Ambani, owner of Jio will provide free t-shirt on the occasion of New Year to 1 lakh customer of Jio. If you have Jio sim then click on the blue link to fill up the form to get a free t-shirt. If any of your family is using jio sim card then you can register from that phone too. The last date to fill up a form is January 10.



The owner of this website earns through these ways:

  1. It can sell your phone numbers for telemarketing
  2. It earns from the advertising banners on its website page. The view of banners get more hits due to high traffic

It has nothing to do with the official Jio website.

As you fill up the form, you are asked for your mobile number and details of permanent address. The moment you submit the form, you are asked to share this message with 10 other people for verification process. This way many people fall for this, visit the site and give out their mobile numbers and personal details (mobile database for telemarketing).



Following are the similar WhatsApp Scam debunked over years –

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