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Parties and politicians used wrong images of ships for wishing #IndianNavyDay2019

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Navy Day in India is celebrated on 4 December every year to recognize the achievements and role of the Indian Navy to the country. 4 December was chosen as on that day in 1971, during Operation Trident, the Indian Navy sank four Pakistani vessels including PNS Khaibar, killing hundreds of Pakistani Navy personnel. – Source


Official Handle of Indian National Congress tweeted the following –




Vasundhra Raje, Former CM of Rajasthan also tweeted the same photo



Same image was tweeted by BJP’s official handle 2 years ago i.e. 2017



Doordarshan – Top Right photo


Neeraj Kundan, National President NSUI !Former State President @NSUI, J&K tweeted –


Vinit Goenka, Author | Secretary #CKS | Member-Governing Council, CRIS, Min of Railways| Fmr Member-IT Taskforce,MoSRTH |Ex National Co-Convener-IT Cell, BJP, Ex-ABVP tweeted the same photo


Deccan Herald used the same image but have claimed it as “Representative image”


Tehseen Poonawalla quoted Delhi MP, Manoj Tiwari’s tweet with text –

“Namaskar @ManojTiwariMP bhai! The nationalist @BJP4India MP has put a picture of US ships . At least on our #IndianNavyDay put a picture of our brave #IndianNavy &their ships ! #JaiHind 🇮🇳 #NavyDay”


A Facebook Page – Congress Fans posted



This common photo used by many is a decade old. Published: May 7, 2009, US Navy

It’s called Littoral combat ship (LCS) used by US Navy

The littoral combat ship (LCS) is a set of two classes of relatively small surface vessels designed for operations near shore by the United States Navy. It was “envisioned to be a networked, agile, stealthy surface combatant capable of defeating anti-access and asymmetric threats in the littorals.”[1] Littoral combat ships are comparable to the corvettes found in other navies. – Source

The ship is used by US Navy and following is the detail of Foreign Sales which doesn’t mention India anywhere.

Foreign sales

Saudi Arabia and Israel both expressed an interest in a modified version of the Freedom variant, the LCS-I,[167] but Israel dropped out of this project in favor of a new frigate design to be built in Israel.[168] Interest by Saudi Arabia in LCS continues however. Media reports indicate that Saudi Arabia could buy two to four ships of Lockheed Martin’s Freedom-class LCS variant as part of the Saudi Arabian Naval Expansion Program II—a program to modernize the nation’s oldest warships operating in the Persian Gulf.[169] On 22 May 2017, as part of an arms deal between the United States and Saudi Arabia, the acquisition of four Multi-Mission Surface Combatant (MMSC) ships based on the Freedom-class LCS was announced.[170]

The Taiwanese navy has also shown interest in procuring U.S. littoral combat ships, to replace aging Knox-class frigates.[171] The new wave-piercing catamaran Tuo Chiang borrowed the Independence variant’s trimaran design.[172]

Japan will design its own version of the Independence class.[173] The warship concept was unveiled in a defense trade-show called MAST Asia 2017.[174]
The ship in the photo is part of US nave fleet and not India’s. It’s “Freedom-class littoral combat ship”

– Source




U.S. Navy to commission Littoral Combat Ship Wichita


This photo of ships is from a Navy Exercise. The second ship although have US flag but the leading ship is Indian – INS Rana.

INS Rana is a Rajput-class destroyer in active service with the Indian Navy. She was commissioned on 28 June 1982.[2]

She is a redesigned Soviet Kashin-class guided missile destroyer.

Since no flag is visible on INS Rana, while on the second, US flag can be seen, people wrongly observed the entire fleet to be US Navy.




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