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HOAX: IMPORTANT – A warning that ISIS is hacking people’s profile pic on whatsapp and giving a mobile number to confirm under name of Comissioner Delhi – AK Mittal (IPS)
TRUTH: I called up the number, switched off. Truecaller says this number have been reported as spam by 2063 people. On searching Google, a video on youtube was found which (I couldn’t much understand, sorry) but description says he is doing a good work for pensioners and widows and is “A great Orator of Islam”. But using mobile number in such hidden manner suggests this might be an attempt to spread religion.
SOURCE: Youtube – http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-69cy4NUGw http://ift.tt/1Onubqk

Hoax Slayer

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Hoax Slayer

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