
Spread the truth:

#GandhiJayanti इसमें बापू जी को अंबेडकर जी के पाँव छूते हुए दिखाया गया है। जबकि ये दो अलग अलग फ़ोटो है। पहला अम्बेडकर जी का पारिवारिक फ़ोटो है और दूसरा बापू जी के डांडी मार्च का, ज़मीं से नमक उठाते हुए। ये फ़ोटो काफी लोगो ने शेयर किया है जो की झूठी है।
A #Viral #photo showing #Gandhiji touching Dr. #Ambedkar ’s feet. Actually one is Dr. Ambedkar’s
family photo, another is from Dandi March, Gandhi ji picking up Salt
1. Dr. Ambedkar’s photo with wife Savita ji
A. http://mahatmagandhiphoto.blogspot.in/2015/04/ambedkar-with-his-wife-dr.html?m=1
B. http://ambedkar.org/images/movement1/target40.html
2. Gandhi ji picking up Salt
A. http://creative.sulekha.com/hey-ram_301958_blog
B. http://www.ruraluniv.ac.in/Picking%20up%20salt%20at%20Dandi.JPG

Fake Source:
1. https://plus.google.com/102000979623700661538/posts/j9GVYQNBJgB?pid=6251153999386594242&oid=102000979623700661538
2. https://twitter.com/lovedev211/status/557167691010547713
3. https://twitter.com/rameshkumar1911/status/574553416053075969
4. http://mukeshkumarbharti12.blogspot.in/2015/04/baba-saheb-ke-charnno-m-desh-ka-babu.html https://www.facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer/photos/a.147357335599672.1073741828.140690692933003/353853568283380/?type=3

Hoax Slayer

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Hoax Slayer

SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at smhoaxslayer.com/team

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