
Spread the truth:

#CSDS case spotted again. You should share this to save others from this Viral Disease –
Common Sense Deficiency Syndrome
Is your deshbhakti so cheap ?Can it be bought with Photoshop?
Such fake photos stimulate your patriotism hormone and there are people/pages who just want to make money on it.
I posted this few months back too.

Common Sense Lesson
1. If you have done schooling, such a small branch can not handle weight, that too of two humans ?
2. How on earth can such position of two soldiers be possible in such place ?
3. One soldiers is a gora/white, how many such are Indian Army ?

Lie: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1349831405056370&substory_index=0&id=885313584841490
Truth: Come on, ab iska bhi proof chahiye ?? The proof is your brain (if you have any) LOL
And for the people who dont have will take above line as an accusation on them not those 18000 guys. #SpoonFeeding https://www.facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer/photos/a.147357335599672.1073741828.140690692933003/397394180595985/?type=3

Hoax Slayer

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Hoax Slayer

SMHoaxSlayer is India's largest and oldest Fact Checker. Started in Aug 2015, it had debunked more than 2000 Fake News till now. Check more at smhoaxslayer.com/team

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