Social Media Hoax Slayer
In last few years, the Social Media having a wider reach and faster, started polluting human minds by anti-social elements, wrong doers, pranksters etc. Several lies are so sugar coated that one never even attempts to use the sixth sense “Common Sense” and ultimately gets affected. Our country may get different leaders/Prime Ministers but till the people can’t have unbiased, logical mind, getting rid of the tag “Third World Country” is a far cry.
So this “Social Media Hoax Slayer” is a humble attempt to keep such wrongs out of human mind.
To achieve cleaner, logical, unbiased Indian minds free of religious and political extremism. These are the things which have prisoned the capabilities of citizens to be a good citizen and contribute to society. Getting them out of shackles is a tough nut to crack but will keep trying. I believe and many also claimed my attempt is a contribution towards country.
Hindustan Times: https://www.hindustantimes.com/more-lifestyle/in-an-era-of-fake-news-check-out-india-s-homegrown-hoax-slayer/story-zyonebYJ4ApaOxABOybvSN.html
Vishal Dadlani: https://twitter.com/VishalDadlani/status/791891643381276673
Shekhar Gupta: https://twitter.com/ShekharGupta/status/827547177740279808
All India Bakchod: In the End – https://www.hotstar.com/tv/on-air-with-aib/6200/fake-news/1000170784
BBC Radio Interview broadcasted on 19th Feb 2017 in UK:
Official: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04skkwn
Trimmed Part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipCwOW1d1Ak
Since the beginning of 2015, when I got active on WhatsApp I noticed various lies, pranks, rumors forwarded. They were quite obvious lies but nobody bothered to think. It disgusted me, I started combating those with proofs and reasoning, succeeded too among my friends and relatives as they either stopped forwarding or forwarded to me for check. But then I thought this disease (CSDS – Common Sense Deficiency Syndrome) has spread country wide and need to be cured and stop it for spreading further. The curator needed a name so came SM Hoax Slayer. This Brand “SMHoaxSlayer” started in August 2015, on Facebook page and gradually started expanding. I guess It won’t be an exaggeration if I call this attempt as the largest, oldest and fastest in the country.
Broad Categories
It has a huge spectrum of genres. Religion, Politics, Scams, misuse of emotions/patriotism, devotion etc. Rumors based on religions are basically meant to entire riots, communal violence. Scams are disguised as some sweet schemes/offers/discounts. Political rumors are meant to make people believe in some well managed lies, twisted facts.
Website – www.SMHoaxSlayer.com
Email – SMHoaxSlayer@gmail.com
Facebook – Facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer
Twitter – Twitter.com/SMHoaxSlayer
LinkedIN – in.linkedin.com/in/SMHoaxSlayer
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/c/HoaxSlayerIndia
& Instagram, Pintrest, WordPress, Blogspot, Tumblr – etc.
1.This is India’s largest Hindi News Paper Navbharat Times using my Post as proof with credit to me.
Source: https://epaper.navbharattimes.com/details/14088-18059-1.html
One of India’s most Successful and loved musician Vishal Dadlani, Praising my work and Endorsing my Page and twitter Handle.
Seriously….follow this account/FB-page. Takes the pants off many of those random viral "forwards" that spread false info. https://t.co/3gUYmJf9ZX
— VISHAL DADLANI (@VishalDadlani) October 28, 2016
Impressive story on Pankaj Jain who runs merciless bullshit detector handle @SMHoaxSlayer So needed in fake news era https://t.co/Yhz2Mh9EVX
— Shekhar Gupta (@ShekharGupta) February 3, 2017
Source: https://twitter.com/VishalDadlani/status/791891643381276673
- India’s largest Hindi News Paper Navbharat Times appreciating my work and using my work as proof
Source: https://blogs.navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/socialmedia/satyakhoji-urmila-matondkar-becomes-muslim-after-getting-married-to-mohsin-akhtar-mir/
- Navbharat Time’s Editor praising my work and his wish to meet me.
- Sister Media of AajTak – The Lallantop
Source: https://www.thelallantop.com/jhamajham/this-fake-message-is-doing-the-rounds-again-on-whatsapp/
- 8. Sister Media of AajTak – The Lallantop
Source: https://www.thelallantop.com/jhamajham/photoshoped-image-of-mahatma-gandhi-showing-he-is-touching-dr-ambedkars-feet/ 9. Sister Media of AajTak – The Lallantop
Source: https://www.thelallantop.com/jhamajham/like-farming-facebook-scams-look-before-you-like/
- Sister Media of AajTak – The Lallantop
Source: https://www.thelallantop.com/jhamajham/truth-behind-barkha-dutt-controversial-tweet/
- 11. India’s largest Hindi News Paper Navbharat Times appreciating my work and using my work as proof
Source: https://blogs.navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/socialmedia/did-rss-members-gave-salute-to-british-queen/ -
- Feedback from People
Everyday you receive hundreds of messages on WhatsApp and Shares on Facebook. Many are sensational so should you push the share/fwd buttons immediately ?
OR you can send a message here to confirm,
WEBSITE – www.SMHoaxSlayer.com
Social Media Presence –
Facebook: facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer
Twitter: twitter.com/SMHoaxSlayer
GMail: SMHoaxSlayer@gmail.com
YouTube: youtube.com/c/HoaxSlayerIndia
Instagram: instagram.com/SMHoaxSlayer
Tumblr: SMHoaxSlayer.tumblr.com
BlogSpot: SMHoaxSlayer.blogspot.com
WordPress: SMHoaxSlayer.wordpress.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/SMHoaxSlayer
Google +: plus.google.com/u/0/118193526872083226279
- https://politicsmeanspolitics.com/fake-news-in-india-and-one-mans-efforts-to-combat-it-8af6c62c9617
- https://www.huffingtonpost.in/2017/07/10/if-politicians-truly-cared-about-india-theyd-first-tackle-the_a_23023218/
- https://www.newscrunch.in/2017/07/mumbai-biz-man-pankaj-jain-slaying-hoax-news-work-passion.html
- https://www.scoopwhoop.com/mamata-banerjee-announces-judicial-inquiry-into-basirhat-communal-riots/#.5zlx9w05l
- https://www.outlookhindi.com/media/social-media/after-fake-twitts-once-again-paresh-rawal-in-the-disputes-18579
- No, RBI didn’t say that you’d be penalized for keeping accounts in two banks. - August 5, 2024
- Congressmen are using an edited image explaining why Rahul Gandhi will become PM. - January 19, 2023
- A North Eastern cultural dress worn by PM Modi is being claimed as a Ladies’ dress which is digitally edited. - December 22, 2022