
Zee Hindustan published 5 year old article with added communal angle, edited it later.

Spread the truth:

A news article done by Zee Hindustan mentions that a restaurant in Nottingham, having the same mentality of   jamaatis was mixing human feces with food while serving it to non-Muslim customers is being forwarded on various social media platforms.

Title – “कबाब में परोसते थे शरीर की गंदगी, विदेश में भी वही जमाती मानसिकता”
Title Translation: “Served body wastgae in Kebabs, mentality of Jamati even in Foreign.”

Following is the screenshot of the original article –


Zee Hindustan News article is still on their verified Facebook page with original Title (archive). It has been shared by 12000 people and you can find from the 3300 comments on the post below what purpose this article served.





The original article also shows on google search on MSN and Dailyhunt as they republish articles from various media houses without any change.



Two Pakistani running a restaurant in London were fined and jailed in 2015 for serving E-Coli contaminated food because of which approx 150 people fell sick. No where it’s said that they added Human feces intentionally, Judge said it was lack of maintaining hygiene.

Zee Hindustan published this article 2 days ago, after Tablighi Jamaat (a large mob) was found, many of whom were found Crorona positive, few of which ran away to different locations countrywide. This article is also published right after social media was flooded with Fake News, videos messages showing how Muslims are spitting etc in food related items to spread Corona.
In original article they based their article on a 5 year old real incident but with many fake stuff added as garnishing.

While going through the Zee News article it was found that they quoted another article done by Daily Mail Online which was published on 24th September 2015.

“Two kebab shop owners – Mohammad Abdul Basit (left) and Amjad Bhatti (right) – who infected nearly 150 customers after their meals were contaminated with human faeces have been ordered to pay £28,000 in compensation, Basit, 48, and Bhatti, 45, yesterday pleaded guilty to seven offences of failing to comply with European provisions for food safety and hygiene.

They were handed four-month jail sentences, suspended for 12 months, and were ordered to pay costs of £25,000 at Nottingham Crown Court. Each victim will also receive £200 compensation.  

Judge Jeremy Lea, sentencing, said: ‘This was a very serious and significant outbreak of food poisoning, caused by you in the way that you ran your business, as food business operators, and caused by your breaches of food safety and health regulations.” Source – DailyMail

Both Pakistani’s were Jailed and Fined properly for failing to maintain hygiene and safety standard but it wasn’t mentioned anywhere they added human feces intentionally.

Now let’s see the difference between Zee Hindustan’s Original viral post and the edited one.

For Original Click here
For current edited, click here


Original Title – “कबाब में परोसते थे शरीर की गंदगी, विदेश में भी वही जमाती मानसिकता”
Title Translation: “Served body wastgae in Kebabs, mentality of Jamati even in Foreign.”

Edited Title – “भारत में ही नहीं इंग्लैंड में भी आ चुका है भोजन दूषित करने का मामला”
Title Translation: “Not only in India, even England had the issue of contaminating food”



Original article didn’t mention date of quoted news
Lack of Date Secondly, Zee Hindustan no where mentioned the date of the news i.e. 2015 which makes it sounds like recent, relating it to Corona.

Edited article – They added Date in bold on the image itself


They deleted the fake news added earlier.

Original – Text which is missing in the current edited one. This was not to be found in any media houses too.

दो तरह का बनता था खाना
जानकारी के अनुसार, होटल में दो अलग—अलग जगहों पर खाना बन रहा था. एक जगह पर साफ खाना बन रहा था व दूसरे में मानव मल मिलाकर खाना बनाया जा रहा था. बताया जा रहा है कि ये लोग अपने लोगों को छोड़कर गैरधर्म वाले लोगों को मानव मल वाला खाना खिलाते थे. “

Translation:Two types of food were made
According to knowledger, food wass made at two different places in the hotel. At first place, the food was made clean, at another human feces was added. It’s been said that these people feed this human feces added food to people from all other religions.”

Further details of the same with screenshots –

The Zee Hindustan article did not mention that this article is not a recent one whereas the Daily Mail Online clearly mentioned in this article as published on 24th September 2015. Zee Hindustan also wrote that there were two kitchens in this restaurant one of which was for Muslims and the other one was fro non-Muslims where the human feces were contaminated in the food. While on the other hand, the Daily Mail Online mentioned that food poisoning happened due to poor handwashing with soap and clean water to reduce the risk of contamination in the restaurant premises.Although now Zee news had done edit in the article they still didn’t tender an apology regarding the misinformation about facts carried out in this news report. If we look at the archived version of the report and the current updated version we can find many changes were made in the report.


Change 1 :

The main headline of the article in the archived version of the article was

कबाब में परोसते थे शरीर की गंदगी, विदेश में भी वही जमाती मानसिकता



















But now the headline in the updated version had been changed as

भारत में ही नहीं इंग्लैंड में भी आ चुका है भोजन दूषित करने का मामला





















Change 2 :

In the archived version of this article, it was nowhere mentioned that this incident took place a long time back

कट्टरपंथ वाली मानसिकता से कहां तक बचेंगे. भारत ही नहीं विश्व भर में इस तरह की मानसिकता फैली हुई है. ब्रिटेन में दो युवक मोहम्मद अब्दुल बासित और अमजद भट्टी  अपने होटल में आए गैरधर्म के लोगों को इंसानी शरीर की गंदगी खिला देते थे.






















Whereas in the updated version of this article it was mentioned that this incident didn’t take place recently

इस मजहबी कट्टर पंथ के यहां अलग-अलग उदाहरण देखने को मिल रहे हैं. ऐसी ही एक घटना पांच साल पहले ब्रिटेन में सामने आई थी. एक मीडिया रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक यहां एक रेस्टोरेंट में शरीर की गंदगी खिला देते थे.





















Change 3 :

In the archived version of this article, Zee news it was mentioned that

जानकारी के अनुसार, होटल में दो अलग—अलग जगहों पर खाना बन रहा था. एक जगह पर साफ खाना बन रहा था व दूसरे में मानव मल मिलाकर खाना बनाया जा रहा था. बताया जा रहा है कि ये लोग अपने लोगों को छोड़कर गैरधर्म वाले लोगों को मानव मल वाला खाना खिलाते थे.






















Whereas in the updated version of this article this whole information was deleted. While going through the article of daily mail online on which the  Zee news had quoted this story. It was mentioned that

Mr. Lea added that a significant amount of infected matter was needed to cause so much severe illness in those who ate at the takeaway.

He said: ‘What was going wrong here was the poor handwashing with soap and clean water to reduce the risk of contamination.

‘If you make money by supplying cooked food, you owe members of the public a real duty to ensure people will not be made unwell by your disregard of food safety and hygiene and regulations.’






















Therefore in our investigation, it was found that the story carried out by Zee Hindustan was an old story and not a recent one and it also did not have any connection with the members of Tablighi Jamat.

Mohd Nadeem Siddiqui

Spread the truth:

Mohd Nadeem Siddiqui

Author of 2 books and a former researcher on Homeland, Defence and National Security for last 10 years.Independent Fact Checker and busting fake news.