Why paper cups ?

You’ve been staying inside, or wearing a mask, washing hands, using sanitizers, while going out, what for ? To avoid Corona Virus, obviously. Lockdown will be called off in a while cause one has to earn to survive, but then will you use re-washable tea cups as you used to before ?

The only logical way to move on is disposable cups i.e. one time use cups. But it’s not just us telling you, major players world wide are also shifting to Paper Cups

BBC UK reported that The global giant Coffee Chain, Starbucks is replacing it’s washable cups to Paper Cups-

Dunkin’ Donuts, world’s lasrgest Doughnut chains also is switching to Paper Cups


Bengaluru has also witnessed the same, reported by Times of India

Just when the “greens” thought they’d won over the giant coffee industry and Starbucks, in particular, with its reusable coffee cup campaign, to rid the world of single-use plastics, along came the coronavirus. According to articles on several news sites, Starbucks has banned customers from bringing their reusable cups into the stores for refills because of the pandemic.
The coffee chain’s spokesman in Europe, Robert Lynch, commented that the move to ban reusable/refillable personal coffee cups brought in from outside UK stores was made “out of an abundance of caution,” according to the BBC. Yahoo news ran a story from the AFP that the reusable cups which are “in vogue” for their eco-friendliness are not welcome in U.S. stores “over fears of the coronavirus.”

A Starbucks spokesman told the AFP that “the decision to ban reusable cups was made over concerns for ‘health and well-being’ and the company is ‘optimistic this will be a temporary situation.’”

The BBC news item quoted a hygiene expert, who said “containing the virus should be a greater priority than environmental concerns.”

Gee, ya think? I’m not sure how the People’s Republic of California feels about that statement, given that its priorities have long been banning plastic straws and retail bags and saving the planet.

Not to trivialize the pandemic, but hey, maybe the coronavirus will spread some common sense. Let’s face it—it’s not just the coronavirus we should be worried about. Like the many viruses that have plagued civilizations around the world for millennia, coronavirus will subside until it’s no longer front-page news. But that doesn’t mean that other germs — bacteria and viruses — aren’t lurking around waiting for a chance to get a foothold.

It’s for that reason that health department regulations have typically prohibited people from bringing their own cups and glasses to dining establishments. It’s why buffets require people to get a clean plate each time they go back for seconds and thirds.

The idea that we’re going to save the planet by reusing one drink cup for the rest of our lives is rather ludicrous. The coronavirus is just another reminder of the huge benefit that single-use plastic has brought to societies around the world when it comes to the health and well-being of billions of people.

In the meantime — and until common sense becomes more common — you can bring your reusable/refillable coffee cup to Starbucks and get a 10-cent discount for your good intentions along with your coffee in a paper cup.

Source: Plastic Today

An article in Times of India says tea stall vendors have switched back to paper cups again from their reusable glasses as their customers are not willing to drink in reusable glasses.

Source: Times of India, 17th May 2020

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