
The viral picture of a Maulana in an airplane with liquor is not real.

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A viral picture of a Muslim cleric sitting in an airplane, with a bottle of alcohol and a glass beside him is viral with the following text:

“ज़कात के पैसों का सही इस्तेमाल”

Translation: “Right use of Zakat money.

Claim: The pic claims to be of a Muslim cleric in an airplane with a bottle of liquor on the side table with the text that states that this is how zakat money is used by them.


A Facebook user shared this viral picture on its profile which got around 108 shares and 154 likes. The archived link of this post can be accessed from here.























Following tweet by a user Manjeet Bagga has been retweeted by more than 4.5K people.

The archived link of the above tweet can be accessed from here.


The image is fake, edited with the bottle and the glass added digitally

During our investigation with the help of a reverse image search, we got the source of this picture.

Comparison of Fake/edited Vs Original

This picture is taken from a Facebook page of Jamiat Talba Islam Bajaur and this post is dated 15th August 2019. The archived link to this post can be accessed from here. Moreover, in the real picture, we did not found any liquor bottle nor any tumbler as it was visible in the viral pictures and this clearly states that these viral pictures are just photoshopped. On further search, we also found that the person in this picture is non-other than Fazal Ur Rehman who is a right-wing Pakistani politician and current president of Jamiat E Ulema Islam.

We found all this information about Fazal Ur Rehman on its Wikipedia page too. Therefore in our investigation, the claims made about this picture were not found true and this is a photoshop picture whereas in the original picture there is no such liquor bottle nor any tumbler.


Mohd Nadeem Siddiqui

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Mohd Nadeem Siddiqui

Author of 2 books and a former researcher on Homeland, Defence and National Security for last 10 years.Independent Fact Checker and busting fake news.