Swami was beaten up in Ashram by CPI Leaders/Goons in 2008, while current one says he was beaten up recently
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Swami was beaten up in Ashram by CPI Leaders/Goons in 2008, while current one says he was beaten up recently
Well, if only size of crowd is a criteria, Hardik Patel takes the cake LOL. This is a meeting of
Logo ki tubelight der se kyun jalti hai ? This number 1800222021 was launched in 2007 around by ACB for
AAP official page uses 2 year old photo as current, claiming media is campaigning for BJP which obviously is false
Ok, just ended the interview, with Anisa Subedar, Producer of BBC Trending radio show from United Kingdom. It lasted around
If you really like this page and want to get rid of hatred/riots/stupidity based on rumors you should do this.
Twitter – @SMHoaxSlayer Not bad, especially when ‘followers’ consists of top journalists, editors and celebs. https://www.facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer/photos/a.147357335599672.1073741828.140690692933003/421925058142897/?type=3
False news by @AmarUjalaNews Car was decorated by @ZoomCarIndia as a part of Valentine Day campaign. It was all printing
#Media not showing #MakeInIndia Campaign #Germany ? 1. because it’s 2 Year Old – March 2015 2. it was a