Others December 20, 2016 Hoax Slayer Two wicket down, one yet on the field. Thanks to you all as these two pages have deleted the post after you guys posted today’s expose as comments on their post. This post is still alive and 3200 shares. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1740637195961992&id=100000471861059 Boss, jhagda karna hai to sach ke basis pe karo, bhadkao mat public ko jhuth se Spread the truth: from Hoax Slayer http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/140690692933003 via IFTTT Spread the truth: Read More
Others December 20, 2016 Hoax Slayer #MannKiBaat :: जनता करे लड़ाई, नेता खाये मलाई :: हम साला एक ठो झूठ को का मार दिए, तुरंत हमको लोग ज्ञान पेलने लगे। हम अब एंटी हिन्दू हो गए ? मित्रों, पेज स्क्रॉल कर के चेक कर लो। और जहाँ तक धर्म की बात है, भाई हमने कभी अपना धर्म ढूढ़ने की कोशिश ही नहीं की, भारतीय धर्म ही काफी है, एक आदर्श भारत मिल जाये, धर्म की मार काट बाद में देख लेंगे। आप तलवार से डांडिया खेलना चाहते हो, कभी देश का सोचा है ? क्यों हमे प्राइवेट स्कूल इतनी खतरनाक फीस ले के लूट रही, सरकार के बस की नहीं एक ढंग का सरकारी स्कूल देने की ? एक ढंग का अस्पताल देने की ? क्यों रोज किसी नेता के कार से ही करोड़ों नए नोट मिल रहे हैं ? क्यों सारे scam वाले नेता अभी तक चैन से सो रहे है? ई David Fincher चचा की “Gone Girl” का जो अंत है, वही देश का हाल है। पक्ष और विपक्ष थोड़ा झगड़ा दिखा के वापस गले मिल के सो रहे है और मीडिया ने जनता को बेवकूफ बनाया हुआ है। अगर सच्चे देशभक्त हो न तो पहले देश का सोचो, एक बांध बनाने में, एक रोड बनाने में लाखों करोड़ों कहाँ गायब हो जाते है ? देश ऐसा चाहिए जहाँ पुलिस FIR लिखे, अदालत में सालों तक केस न चले की चप्पल घिसे, सरकारी दफ्तर में समय पे काम हो, नोट की ज़रूरत न पड़े। सैनकों को OROP के लिए अनशन न करना पड़े। बॉस, हमे पता है कौन से धर्म वाले ज्यादा बुरे है, कौन से कम, कोई दूध के धुले नहीं है। इसलिए वो बाद में देख लियो, मार काट कर लियो, पहले देश का सोचो, सिस्टम का सोचो। कितने गरीब नेता को जानते हो भाई और कितने आमिर, नेताओं के घर में शादी ढाई लाख में होती है ? Get your priorities right first brothers. जय हिंद। it’s the country which matters first, communal hatred should take backseat. Spread the truth: from Hoax Slayer http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/140690692933003 via IFTTT Spread the truth: Read More
Others December 19, 2016 Hoax Slayer Usual lies to incite riots. A big expose coming up tomorrow morning on so called West Bengal riots photos which people are accusing media is ignoring. Well, those are lies, working on it, will post. Have faith in you guys that you will surely share the truth widely to stop the lies. Good Night all Spread the truth: from Hoax Slayer http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/140690692933003 via IFTTT Spread the truth: Read More
Others December 19, 2016 Hoax Slayer Getting many queries from you guys regarding the riots in West Bengal, many asked for confirmation on photos and other stuff too. Well, yes indeed the state is in tension but as cleared before, I rely on media and internet, don’t have ground reporters. So yes it seems sad and fishy why mainstream media is not showing it but I’m also as much in dark as you guys are. So can’t help there, sorry. PS: few photos are quite fresh, no where on net, plus have timing and date om CCTV footage screenshot, so looks genuine. Spread the truth: from Hoax Slayer http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/140690692933003 via IFTTT Spread the truth: Read More
Others December 16, 2016 Hoax Slayer If we throw a stone in almost any page for patriotism/army/politics/religion, it may hit few fake posts. Now is this good or bad ? #Brainwash #Fake #CyberPatriotism Spread the truth: from Hoax Slayer http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/140690692933003 via IFTTT Spread the truth: Read More
Others December 16, 2016 Hoax Slayer I tell you friends, it’s quite saddening to see so many pages in name of respecting Army, (crores and lakhs of followers) making use of our emotions (patriotism) to market their personal agendas, website which are full with advertisements, so ultimately because of those crores of “”Cyber Patriots” they are earning a lot. Approx Out of every 5 posts, 1 is a Lie and 1 is their website. Have you come across any, give me the page’s link in comment here, will slay their lies Spread the truth: from Hoax Slayer http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/140690692933003 via IFTTT Spread the truth: Read More
Others December 15, 2016 Hoax Slayer Abey jaan loge bachhe ki ? Recveid three PM that I should do proper research before making a post, bhai main 2 saal se sabji kaat raha tha ? Does a Data bill of 2500 PM mean anything to you ? Have not been in queue for JIO. Why the hell do you expect 100% perfectness from me. Am I a huge media company ? Lemme tell u, they also mess up at times. I made a mistake, realized, deleted, apologized. Bhai, I’m a human being, not an AI program so I can feel bad too but while I’m trying above logic, I’m immediately tagged as being ‘egoistic’. The day I become ‘egoistic’, or ‘biased’ I’ll loose everything I strive for. Will pack my bags up. I’m trying to make a difference here, a better society, better country The one who have problems, bro promise me of never being ‘egoistic’ and biased and take my page away. Spread the truth: from Hoax Slayer http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/140690692933003 via IFTTT Spread the truth: Read More
Others December 14, 2016 Hoax Slayer Seems my humble attempt to stop panic & fear didn’t amuse you guys. I failed. Only 9 shares yet. Thanks to the guys who did. Since morning I received 12 queries on this which means this Hoax is Viral and people are worried. This page is to clear doubts of people, was hoping greater number of shares or whatsapp forwards. It’s about lives, hope you understand the purpose. Spread the truth: from Hoax Slayer http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/140690692933003 via IFTTT Spread the truth: Read More
Others December 13, 2016 Hoax Slayer Now you guys telling me I’m adding to Hoax and my credibility went down the drain? Ms.Geetha wasn’t a mayor you telling me ? Well than tell it to The Hindu, one of largest news paper in India. Source: http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-karnataka/tumkurs-garbage-woes-continue/article5932486.ece Spread the truth: from Hoax Slayer http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/140690692933003 via IFTTT Spread the truth: Read More
Others December 13, 2016 Hoax Slayer 30 Unlikes. Am I sad or satisfied, feeling stronger ? So after my yesterday’s post against congress (RSS fake photo) and today’s Modi post around 30 guys unliked my page. Sorry to disappoint you fellows. If you were expecting me to drive on “One Way” I won’t. I’m on a chowk with many ways. Whichever is fake, I’ll dig it apart. So this makes me feel better. A Lie is a Lie, Simple. Spread the truth: from Hoax Slayer http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/140690692933003 via IFTTT Spread the truth: Read More