Fake message is viral under name of @medisensehealth which they denied on their website. It’s about corporates hospitals and doctors
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Fake message is viral under name of @medisensehealth which they denied on their website. It’s about corporates hospitals and doctors
Hoax: Canadian Mayor refused to remove Pork despite Muslim parents demanding it. Truth: http://www.ville.dorval.qc.ca/en/article/the-city-of-dorval-denounces-false-news-circulating-on-the-internet Hoax: *CANADIAN MAYOR REFUSES TO REMOVE
Parle-G girl wasn’t a model, it was an real-like illustration. Source: 1. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/slideshows/advertising-marketing/parle-g-the-journey-of-a-biscuit-for-masses/whos-that-girl/slideshow/24922383.cms 2. http://m.indiatimes.com/entertainment/celebs/after-all-the-hoaxes-rumors-about-real-identity-of-the-parle-g-girl-here-s-the-real-truth-260896.html https://www.facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer/photos/a.147357335599672.1073741828.140690692933003/426642554337814/?type=3
No new 1000 notes in plan @IndiaToday, cleared by @DasShaktikanta Secretary Economic Affairs, Gov of India. False: https://twitter.com/IndiaToday/status/833935673350639616 Truth: https://twitter.com/DasShaktikanta/status/834265950476181508
Dear @IndiaToday why use photoshop ? Thanks @NavbharatTimes @NBTDelhi Glad I cud be of help for 3rd Time. Keep Looking.
My feedback on BBC UK Radio in their Program “BBC Trending” has already been broadcasted on 19th Feb 2017. Since
It’s not world’s smallest camera ‘Nikon D70’, it’s Photoshop. This is merely an entry by “Roger Pe” in an advertising
Fake fingers for Voting ? No, these are custom made Silicon fingers for Japan Mafia ‘Yakuza’, from Year 2013, Japan
Inspiring Young Indians through lies? Don’t we all have utmost respect for our brave soldiers ? But respect needs to
Thanks a lot man. https://twitter.com/HoeZaay/status/833620143112601600 https://twitter.com/HoeZaay/status/833622766377168896 https://twitter.com/HoeZaay/status/833622360171364353 https://www.facebook.com/SMHoaxSlayer/photos/a.147357335599672.1073741828.140690692933003/425336254468444/?type=3